Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Stressors Facing Female Medical Students – Saudi Arabia

Dr. Wafa A. Alsofiani, Dr. Bandar H. Alessa, Dr. Fawaz S. Alotaibi, Dr. Azza A. Taha

Abstract :

Background: People under stress may report emotional, physical, and mental symptoms. Medical students are more likely exposed to different types of stressors during their academic and social life.

Objectives: To determine the level of stress and associated factors among female medical students in faculty of medicine, Taif University.

Subjects and Methods: Cross–sectional study carried out in the period between 24 – 28 of May, 2015 in the faculty of medicine at Taif University,  Saudi Arabia.A total of 325 female medical students of the second to the sixth year invited to participate in this study. 264 students participated and returned the questionnaire.The study utilized Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ) to measure and identify stressors among medical students.

Results:Researchers use Mann Whitney test and Kruskal Wallis test for comparison between data groups. While Spearman correlation test was used to assess the correlation between stressors and numerical variables.  The study showed that the total percentage of students report a high and severe stress due to academic reasons was 83%. Different types of stressors were reported with different degrees among female medical students. However, there was a significant difference in the stress level of academic, social and group activity domains between medical students in basic and clinical years.

Conclusions:  Academic stressors reported as a high to a severe source of stress in many studies including present study. This requires re–evaluation of academic process and support those students who suffer from high stress especially in basic years.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Wafa A. Alsofiani, Dr. Bandar H. Alessa, Dr.Fawaz S. Alotaibi, Dr. Azza A. Taha, Stressors Facing Female Medical Students – Saudi Arabia, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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