Volume : II, Issue : III, March - 2013

Strategy to Enhance the Adaptability of Castor Growers Towards Climate Variability in Castor

P Archana, M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, I. Sreenivasa Rao, G. D. S Kumar

Abstract :

Castor is cultivated extensively in Mahaboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh state because of the commercial importance of its oil. The increase in area and production of castor crop has suddenly come to a hault due to adverse effect of climate variability. Area under castor in Mahabubnagar district is going down due to drought, fear of botrytis and upcoming of competitive crops like Bt Cotton and Maize. Keeping these things in mind a research was carried out to develop a strategy to enhance the adaptability of castor growers towards climate variability. The strategy includes the interventions to be taken up by the research system, extension system, at government level, at community level and at individual level.

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P ARCHANA, M. JAGAN MOHAN REDDY, I. SREENIVASA RAO, G.D.S KUMAR Strategy to Enhance the Adaptability of Castor Growers Towards Climate Variability in Castor International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.III March 2013

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