Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Strategies for an Efficient Urban Transportation Planning : A case study of Jammu,J&K

Ar. Manu Rajput, Sumir Kotwal

Abstract :

 Living in 21st century and joining the club of Nuclear power, remarkable achievement in the field of medical sciences, launching various space programmes including Lunar and Mars mission, being one of largest military power in the world, our nation still falls in the list of developing countries and not in developed country. Reason being is low Human Development Index (HDI) i.e. the country does not enjoy healthy and safe environment to live, low Gross Domestic Product, high illiteracy rate, and many other factors along with the poor transportation system of the country. Studying the last 20 years of traffic of any city or area, the most common observation found is a random increase of vehicles on road which further results in traffic congestion. To tackle this problem, an efficient and an appropriate approach is required in the field of Transportation Planning. Jammu being in the list of upcoming smart city needs to work on many fields along with the transportation system. City requires different schemes and programmes emacing both traffic restrains and promotion of public transportation.

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Ar. Manu Rajput, Sumir Kotwal Strategies for an Efficient Urban Transportation Planning : A case study of Jammu,J&K International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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