Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Stem cells: Future of Dentistry

Dr. Naveen Kumar Baratam, Ramya Koova, Shaik Yasmin Nisha, Puligedda Venkata Anjana Chaitrika, Pudi Geeta Ganeswari Mallika, Hyandavi Balla

Abstract :

 Background: Dental stem cells are the stem cells obtained from teeth and its surrounding tissues. Dental stem cells are the most non–invasive and convenient source for collecting stem cells.

Aim: This study is approached to assess and compare the awareness of the uses of the dental stem cells among the dental students and dental practitioners.

Methods and Materials:

Settings and Design: A descriptive cross–sectional study.

A sample size of 260 was collected which includes 113 practitioners and 147 students using simple random sampling method. The primary data were collected using questionnaire method consisting of 26 questions.

Statistical analysis: Software SPSS version 18, Chi–square test/Fishers exact test was used.

Results: The awareness among the practitioners regarding dental stem cells is greater (90.9%, n=100) when compared to students (77.5%, n= 110). The P–value being 0.05.

Conclusion: Practitioners are more aware of stem cells when compared to the students.

Keywords :

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Naveen Kumar Baratam, Ramya Koova, Shaik Yasmin Nisha, Puligedda Venkata Anjana Chaitrika, Pudi Geeta Ganeswari Mallika, Hyandavi Balla, Stem cells: Future of Dentistry, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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