Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Status of Women Entrepreneurship in Tamilnadu

A. R. Kanagaraj, G. Geetha, S. Tamilmani, S. Archana

Abstract :

Entrepreneurship has gained greater significance at global level under changing economic scenario. The entrepreneurial skills are needed to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities and to sustain a healthy economy and environment. After independence, several entrepreneurship development programs have been started to develop the skill, knowledge, and competence among the entrepreneur. In spite of various entrepreneurship development programmes launched by the Govt. and non-government agencies, the entrepreneurs are encountering a number of problems for establishing economically viable small- scale units. Women contribute significantly to the running of family businesses mostly in the form of unpaid effort and skills. Programmes meant to reach women entrepreneurs can succeed only if they take note of this paradox as well as of the familial and social conditioning that reduces the confidence, independence and mobility of women. Therefore, instead of just schemes (financial and developmental) as the carrot for entrepreneurship development an intensive training needs to be provided to the women and youth in rural India.

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A.R.Kanagaraj, G.Geetha, S.Tamilmani, S.Archana Status of Women Entrepreneurship in Tamilnadu International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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