Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Status of Hepatic enzymes and other Biochemical Parameters in PreEclemptic pregnancy.

Dr. Deepa Kajla, Dr. G. G. Kausik, Dr. Harshvardhan

Abstract :

 Introduction: Pregnancy is a physiological state associated with many alterations in metabolic, biochemical, physiological, hematological and immunological processes. If there are no complications, all these changes are reversible following a few days to a few months after delivery. Preeclampsia is being diagnosed according to American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) criteria: a SBP>140mm Hg, DBP>90mm Hg and proteinuria more than 300mg/24hrs observed on at least two occasions more than 6hrs apart after the 20th weeks of pregnancy. Liver dysfunction during preeclampsia has serious consequences. Several standard biochemical and hematological parameters such as liver enzymes are reported to have a significant prognostic value in the prediction of preeclampsia. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to compile complete Hepatic enzymes and other biochemical parameters in preeclamptic pregnancies. Material and method: Study was carried out in the Biochemistry department in collaboration with department of Gynecology, of J L N Medical College and associated group of hospitals, Ajmer. Present study was carried in 100 pregnant women who meet our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Hepatic enzyme and biochemical parameters were measured by relevant methods. Results: the levels of serum AST, ALT, ALP, LDH, GGT and Bilirubin are significantly increased in women with preeclampsia but level of Total protein and Albumin are decreased in severe pre–eclampsia than normal pregnancy. Conclusion: Hepatic enzymes measurement i.e. GGT and LDH with AST and ALT may be clinically beneficial for monitoring the liver function in the management of preeclampsia which has hepatic involvement.

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Dr. Deepa Kajla, Dr. G.G. Kausik, Dr. Harshvardhan Status of Hepatic enzymes and other Biochemical Parameters in PreEclemptic pregnancy. International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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