Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012
Spectrophotometric study of Iron, Nitrate and Phosphate in the water of river Tons at Mau (Maunath Bhanjan)
Shafqat Alauddin, Shailendra Yadav, Tamheed Firdaus
Abstract :
The present study specially aims to study spectrophotometerically the water quality of river Tons at Mau(Maunath Bhanjan). In the river Tons direct wastes like industrial garbage, household sewage as well as industrial wastes is dumped without treatment. River Tons is continuously been contaminated by the sewage and other types of wastes especially wastes from textile industry. In the present study three parameters were chosen viz. iron, nitrate and phosphate. Although river water of Tons would contain appreciable amount of iron, nitrate and phosphate. This study revealed that there is marked variation in the levels of these parameters during the years of study 2009, 2010 and 2011, sometimes it has been found to be more than WHO maximum contamination level.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Shafqat Alauddin, Shailendra Yadav, Tamheed Firdaus Spectrophotometric study of Iron, Nitrate and Phosphate in the water of river Tons at Mau (Maunath Bhanjan) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012
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Shafqat Alauddin, Shailendra Yadav, Tamheed Firdaus Spectrophotometric study of Iron, Nitrate and Phosphate in the water of river Tons at Mau (Maunath Bhanjan) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012
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