Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014


Dr. Gaurav Kalotra

Abstract :

Migration is one of the three basic determinants of population change in any spatial unit, the other two being fertility and mortality. In India the proportion of internal migration has been increasing over the time but even now the percentage of short distance migration i.e. within the district of enumeration is much higher. An attempt has been made to study the intradistrict migration within Punjab. The analysis is based on the 1991 & 2001 D–2 & D–3 Migration Tables of Punjab released by the Census of India. The study revealed that about fifty per cent of all the migrations taking place in Punjab were intra–district migration not only in 1991 but also in 2001 and it was dominated by females in the rural areas of the state. This migration was largely because of female migration due to marriage.

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Dr. Gaurav Kalotra SPATIAL PATTERNS OF INTRA-DISTRICT MIGRATION IN PUNJAB, 1991-2001 International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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