Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Spatial Analysis of Land–Use Under Edible Oilseeds in Karnataka During 2012–13

Dr S. S. Motebennur, Dr. S. S. Naregal

Abstract :

Edible oilseeds cultivation in India is an integral part of agricultural system, as edible oilseeds are part of food item for the human population. The per capita annual consumption of edible oil in India has increased from 4.0kg in 1980–81 to 6.4 kg in 1996–97. The production of vegetable oils has been rising annually at the rate of 5.96 % for consumption; even then it does not suffice the need. This has made India to import edible oils to the extent of 1.30 million tons during 1985–86. During the year 1992–93 India had 25560.36 thousand hectares of land under cultivation of several oilseeds together. Amongst the Indian states Karnataka shared 1.56 % of sown area under major oilseeds, which being 5th largest state to share an area of 2699.70 thousand hectares of land, out of 25560.36 thousand hectares of land under oilseeds in India. During 2002–03 Karnataka had 1311445 hectares of land under all major oilseeds together, which is 11.80 % of the total net sown area of all crops (10393336 hectares) of Karnataka. In 2012–13 the total area under all types of oilseeds (including major and minor oilseeds) is 1406352 hectares, which is being 14.14 % of the total net sown area (9941399 hectares) of Karnataka. The groundnut, sunflower and soybean are important oilseeds in Karnataka, while their productivity is reliant upon red soil, light black soil and laterite soil in association with rain fall (75 cm) or irrigation.

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Dr S.S.Motebennur, Dr.S.S.Naregal Spatial Analysis of Land-Use Under Edible Oilseeds in Karnataka During 2012-13 International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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