Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Some Interesting Case Studies Using Bayes Theorem

Sahana Prasad

Abstract :

Statistics is basically a mathematical science wherein data is first collected; then is analysed, an explanation/

interpretation is given and finally is converted into a presentation. The data quality is improvised by statisticians
and is important to know what information we should pay attention to, and what to do with these and how to use them. Knowledge leads to
good decision-making and spurs progress.
More and more researchers are using Bayesian methods as these are best suited to subjective qualities of research. In this approach, the focus
is on the probability of the hypothesis, given the data i.e. P (H|D) .The data is considered as fixed and hypotheses as random. This theorem
has been used extensively to calculate prior probabilities. In this approach, newly acquired data is combined with prior data to predict an
outcome. This paper deals with some interesting case studies which have used Bayes’ theorem.

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Sahana Prasad Some Interesting Case Studies Using Bayes Theorem International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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