Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Soft Skills Training in the B.P.O Industry

Santhosh Kumar A. V. , Dr. Mahesh Kumar. K. R.

Abstract :

Soft skills form an important component among the various skills to be acquired by an employee in an organization. It is important for an employee to have a well-rounded personality to perform effectively on his\\her job. For as long as one is dealing, interacting, reacting with other human beings, the importance of soft skills cannot be overlooked. The Term “soft skills” refers to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, facility with language, personal habits, friendliness and optimism that mark each of us to varying degrees. Soft skills are essentially people skills. Globalization has increased the pressure on companies, with an increasing need felt to effectively manage oneself properly and also manage clients. Due to cross cultural differences working with people of varied cultures, interaction(language differences, varied accents, corporate etiquette) differs from culture to culture.So,In this context, there has to be more focus on gaining soft skills with the appropriate training tools. In India, the demand for soft skills is symbolic of the transition from an ‘industrial orientation’ to a ‘service-based economy’, particularly in the B.P.O.sector.In view of this transition, Soft skills can become a differentiating factor in providing value addition for servicing clients. Hence soft skills are critical for success at work in a highly competitive job market. This paper focuses on various techniques and tools of imparting soft skills and also impact of soft skill training on employee development in the B.P.O.Industry.This Study focuses on Soft Skills (Transition) Training given by leading Organisations in the B.P.O.Sector. This Paper ings out the importance of Soft skill development in employees which can become a differentiating factor in providing value addition for servicing clients and critical for success at work in a highly competitive job market.

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SANTHOSH KUMAR A.V., Dr. MAHESH KUMAR.K.R. Soft Skills Training in the B.P.O Industry International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014

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