Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2014

Sociocultural Practices and Attitudes Regarding Menstruation Among Mothers of Adolescent Daughters in Mangalore, South Karnataka, India

Irine Veigas, Dr. Vina Vaswani

Abstract :

Menstruation is a natural growth process which every female passes through. It is a natural phenomenon necessary for human reproduction. Though it is a natural process, a lot of negative attitudes are attached to menstruation in India and elsewhere. Mothers play a major role in guiding their daughters at menarche which is a very crucial phase of physical changes accompanied by emotional and psychological and social relationships. Daughters look for guidance and close emotional support from mothers. Do daughters get that support? What are the barriers that may pose challenges in this context? The present study is conducted in Mangalore with rural and urban mothers of adolescent daughters who had menarche. The study focuses on rituals, restrictions and attitudes of mothers pertaining to them and also to daughters at menarche and afterwards.  

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Irine Veigas, Dr. Vina Vaswani Sociocultural Practices and Attitudes Regarding Menstruation Among Mothers of Adolescent Daughters in Mangalore, South Karnataka, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2014

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