Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Sociocultural Bias about Female Child and its Influences on Postpartum Depressive Features

Mehta Prakash, Thekdi Komal P, Sorani Pragna

Abstract :

Background - Pregnancy, labor and childbirth are most significant life events experienced by women. It is time of extreme physical and emotional transition with intense hormonal, psychological and biological changes. The birth of a child can trigger powerful emotions, ranging from excitement and joy to fear and anxiety. It can also result in something unexpected - Depression. Aims and objectives: To find out prevalence of depression during immediate postpartum period in mothers who already have female child. Material & methods: EPDS scale was given to mothers who delivered at a tertiary care hospital within 24 hours of delivery, and result analyzed by appropriate statistical method .Result & analysis: significantly higher prevalence of depression was seen in mothers who delivered female child, and in illiterate mothers. Conclusion: In India the gender bias is still prevalent, but it can be decreased with increased education.

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Mehta Prakash, Thekdi Komal P, Sorani Pragna Sociocultural Bias about Female Child and its Influences on Postpartum Depressive Features International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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