Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Socio–Economic Status of Scheduled Tribe Students in Higher Education: A Case Study of Koppal District

Dr. Ramanna A. , Mudakanagouda

Abstract :

 Education is the media through which one can have better understanding in life. Almost all societies, stress on  education in order to mould the future generations. Education is the means for many achievements in human civilization but for the development of science and technology the life pattern of man would have been more painful involving lot of human labour.  In modern India the social responsibility of the educational system assumes great significance. The Scheduled Tribes are tribes notified under  Article 342 of the Constitution, which makes special provision for ‘tribes, tribal communities, parts of, or groups within which the President  may so notify’. The present study is concerned with Scheduled tribe (ST) students in higher education and its major focus is on socioeconomic  background. It is indeed difficult to point the social and educational status of women in Indian history till the down of the independence on  the canvas of a limited space. To analyzed the Socio–economic background of the scheduled tribe students in higher education. The area of the  study has been confined to Koppal district. The sample size of 100 students was drawn on the basis of simple random technique. The sample  size was fixed in view of time and the availability of other resources. The major tool of collection of primary data has been the interview scheduled. The primary data collected from the students have been supplemented by relevant secondary data. Majority (98.80) of students are  distributed in the younger or middle age group only a small 1.20 percent is in the older age group. Out of 100 respondents, the overwhelming  majority (88.0) is unmarried and only 12.00 percent are a married. 60 (60.00%) respondents out of 100 belong to nuclear type families and a  small 40 (40.00) percent to extended families. Majority (82.00%) preferred Kannada as the medium of instructions for the present course. This  study is basically exploratory in nature. As such it cannot make tall climes about the relevance it its findings. But the prime motive of the study  is to ST students are institutional problems of the STs including hour is to remodel or redesign our institutional arrangements.

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Dr.Ramanna A., Mudakanagouda Socio–Economic Status of Scheduled Tribe Students in Higher Education: A Case Study of Koppal District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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