Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


Dr. Siddharth Nirwan, Dr. Mahimapanwar

Abstract :

Fious dysplasia is a non–neoplastic, expansile lesion of unknown origin. In about one–fourth of cases this disorder affects the head and neck area, where the mandible and maxilla are the most frequently involved sites. Its localization to the skull base is a rare event. Since the disease slowly progresses, its management is delayed until significant clinical symptoms or non–well–tolerated aesthetic deformities are present.We present a case of fious dysplasia of skull base in a 59 years old female. This tumor like growth was not restricted to the skull base, but also compressed the orbit and the globe. Endoscopic endonasal removal of the mass with a drill was performed under general anesthesia. No residual tumor was observed 4 months later.

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Dr. Siddharth Nirwan, Dr. MahimaPanwar Skull Base Fibrous Dysplasia?Endonasal Endoscopic Approach : A Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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