Volume : IX, Issue : V, May - 2020


Dr. Anantwar S. H. , Dr. Khiste J. A, Dr. Deshpande N. M, Dr. Dantkale S. S, Dr. Pandit G. A.

Abstract :

Mermaid syndrome is also known as ‘Sirenomelia’, a fetal syndrome diagnosed in neonates with characteristic feature of complete or partial fusion of lower limbs. We report a case of preterm baby delivered to a 28 years old mother. Examination of the baby revealed fused both lower limbs and feet with 10 toes, absent external genitalia and features of Potter’s facies like slanting forehead, depressed nasal idge and low set ears. Baby died one day post birth due to severe respiratory distress. Autopsy findings revealed absent kidneys, urinary orifice and imperforate anus.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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SIRENOMELIA : A RARE CASE REPORT, Dr. Anantwar S.H., Dr. Khiste J.A, Dr. Deshpande N.M, Dr. Dantkale S.S, Dr. Pandit G.A. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2020

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