Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Single approach management of Hepatothoracic hydatid disease: Case report

Dr. Shruthi H K, Dr. Vinay H G

Abstract :

 Echinococcal disease can develop anywhere in the human body, liver being its most frequent location. Hepatic hydatid cysts may rupture into the biliary tract, thorax, peritoneum, viscera, digestive tract or skin. Hence the diagnosis of liver hydatidosis should be fast to avoid relevant complications that may arise. We report a case of 50 year old man who had hepatic hydatid cyst with extension into the right thorax displacing lung and cardia. The chest radiograph and CT features were suggestive of calcified thoraco–abdominal region extending from the lateral segment of left lobe of the liver. Although hydatid cysts can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy and/or percutaneous aspiration, surgery remains the traditional and established treatment. Aim of conservative surgical technique is to achieve complete removal of cyst and early mobilization. In our case, both the hepatic and thoracic hydatid cyst was managed through abdominal approach (laparoscopy) in the same sitting. Enucleation of the pulmonary cyst and pericystectomy of hepatic cyst was done. Interesting radiological appearance and single approach management of cyst is the reason for this case report.

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Dr. Shruthi H K, Dr. Vinay H G, Single approach management of Hepatothoracic hydatid disease: Case report, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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