Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Shale Gas in India: Opportunities and Challenges

Ravinder Ariketi, Bijaya K. Behera, Uttam Kumar Bhui

Abstract :

Natural gas extracted from organic rich Shale rock Formations has become the fastest–growing source of Gas in USA and could become a significant new global energy alternative unconventional source. Although the energy industry has long known about huge gas resources trapped in organic rich shales, it is over the past decade that energy companies have combined two established technologies– hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling– to successfully unlock the tight and shale oil/gas resource. A recent study by EIA (Energy Information Administration) assessed 95 shale gas basins in 41 countries. India is one of the countries covered in this study along with China, Canada, Mexico, Australia etc. With current available data, the initial estimates of technically recoverable shale gas resource in these countries is 7299 TCF . At present, the shale gas is not exploited in India. Encouraged by the USA results and preliminary USGS assessment, Govt of India is seriously contemplating to carry out detailed exploration, followed by phased extraction. Preliminary estimates from different agencies suggest that risked gas–in–place of 290 TCF with technically recoverable resource of 93 TCF is tenable in established hydrocarbon basins of India namely, Cambay Basin in western India, the Krishna–Godavari Basin along the east coast of India, the Cauvery Basin in southern India and Damodar Valley Basin in northeast India. The unlocking of domestic shale gas reserves could help India meet its growing energy demand, besides reducing its dependence on expensive energy imports. In addition, the development of the domestic shale gas industry could boost the Indian economy

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Ravinder Ariketi, Bijaya K. Behera, Uttam Kumar Bhui Shale Gas in India: Opportunities and Challenges International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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