Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Service Recommendation and Visualization System Based on SOM Methodology

Praveen N. , Pushparaj U.

Abstract :

The proposed system consists of two phases. The first phase is region creation, which deals about divide web users into different regions based on their location and historical user QoS experience on web services. Second phase finds the similar users for the current user and make QoS prediction for the unused services. First phase have three step process, they are Region feature extraction, region similarity calculation and region aggregation. In the second phase, predict the QoS value for active users based on their regions and the final service recommendations are put on a map to reveal the underlying structure of QoS space and help users accept the recommendations. Though the existing system provides result but it doesn’t provide more user interactions. Thus proposed system builds the user interactions as searching web services on the QoS map (like Google map), able to zooming in and zooming out.

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Praveen N., Pushparaj U. Service Recommendation and Visualization System Based on SOM Methodology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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