Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Serum uric acid level in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Dr. Priya V. Sutar, Dr. K Sudheer

Abstract :

Background : Cardiovascular disease has emerged as a major health burden worldwide.1 Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an epidemic in India for the past few decades. Diabetes mellitus is the most important risk factor associated with two to four fold increased incidence of coronary artery disease.2 But despite abundant epidemiological evidence, the role of increased serum uric acid and cardiovascular risk is controversial. So the aim of this  study was to compare  the levels of serum uric acid level in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods :70 cases and 30 controls,Among 70 cases studied, there were 43 males and 27 females, among 30 controls there were 18 males and 12 females  were included in the study .Serum uric acid was done by using semi auto analyser . Student ‘t’ values was applied for significance. Significance of ‘P’ value was below 0.05. Results:  The serum uric acid level of diabetics was very much elevated compared with controls and it was highly significant.The prevalence of hyperuricemia is more in diabetic patients when compared to controls. In the study group mean uric acid values were higher in females than males and the difference was statistically significant. Mean value of Serum uric acid level was higher in longer duration (9–12 years) of diabetes 6.87±1.03, when compared to shorter duration (2–4 years) of diabetes 4.31±1.08.  Conclusion : Uric acid level above 4 mg/dl in diabetic population considered as a “Red flag” sign was a marker or risk factor for CAD, which was present in 78% of study population.

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Dr.Priya V. Sutar, Dr. K Sudheer, Serum uric acid level in type 2 diabetes mellitus, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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