Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Serum Levels of Metal Ions in Female Patients With Breast Cancer

Ravi Yadav, Pranay Gandhi, Lokesh Kc

Abstract :

Aims: To estimate the serum levels of trace elements and determine their role in causing east cancer in female

Settings and Design: A case-control study on female patients with east cancer was conducted in a private superspecialty hospital and
Cancer centre situated in Southern part of India.
Materials and Methods: These cases were selected irrespective of type and stage of the disease. The age matched control subjects were drawn
from apparently healthy women attending master health check at superspecialty hospital.
Results: The study was conducted on 54 female patients with east cancer and 54 female controls with mean age of 47.2±8.14 y and 46.8±8.4 y
respectively. There was statistically significant increase in serum levels of calcium, copper, iron and phosphorus in patients with east cancer
when compared to controls.
Conclusion: The estimation of serum levels of these metal ions has a potential role in early detection and monitoring of east cancer.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Ravi Yadav, Pranay Gandhi, Lokesh KC Serum Levels of Metal Ions in Female Patients With Breast Cancer International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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