Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Serum Levels of Lipoprotein a in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy

Dr. Ketki Khandhadiya, Dr. Shailesh Kumar, Mr. Bhaskar Gaonkar, Miss. Khushbu Rani, Dr. Krishnananda Prabhu

Abstract :

Diabetic patients are prone to develop microangiopathy clinically manifested as diabetic nephropathy,neuropathy and retinopathy.2In developed countries, diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of vision loss in adults of working age.3Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a low density lipoprotein like particle containing Apo–lipoprotein B100 disulphide, linked to one large glycoprotein called Apo–Lp(a), a particle comprised of low density lipoprotein and covalently bound Apo–Lp(a), and is considered a pro–atherogenic, pro–thrombotic risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD)8.The present study is focused to know association between Lp(a) and diabetic retinopathy in local population. The present study enrolled total 36 subjects in which,18 subjects having diabetes without retinopathy as controls and 18 subjects having diabetic retinopathy(DR) as cases.Assessment of DR was performed by ophthalmoscopy and/or biomicroscopy through dilated pupils.Anthropometric measurements including weight and height were obtained using standardized techniques. Venous blood samples were collected, and all examinations were performed at 8.00 h after an overnight fast.Measurement of HbA1c was done by Turbidimetric inhibition immune assay(Dimension xpand plus).Creatinine was estimated by modified Zafe’s method(Dimension xpand plus). TSH was estimated byElectrochemiluminiscence (ECLIA) (Adviacentur cp instrument)Lipoprotein(a) was assayed by Immunoturbidimetric assay for the quantitative determination of lipoprotein (a) in human serum on Dimension xpand plus instrument.We observed higher Lp(a) levels in patients with diabetic retinopathy compared to patients having diabetes without retinopathy.In conclusion, Lp(a) levels may be increased in patients with retinopathy. Lp(a) is involved in the development of atherothrombosis and activation of acute inflammation exerting a proatherogenic and hypofiinolytic effect.

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Dr. Ketki Khandhadiya, Dr. Shailesh Kumar, Mr.Bhaskar Gaonkar, Miss.Khushbu Rani, Dr.Krishnananda Prabhu Serum Levels of Lipoprotein A in Patients with Diabetic Retinopathy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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