Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Modi K. P, Kinariwala D. M, Vegad M. M, Agarwal N

Abstract :

<p> INTRODUCTION AIDS (ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROM) is a pandemic disease and a disease which has enormous social , economic, and behavioural impact on individuals , families , communities and the whole world. AIDS caused by Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV) belongs to the family retroviridae and subfamiliy lentivirininae. India is the first country outside Africa where an HIV–2 epidemic is running in parallel to an HIV–1 epidemic, resulting in a significant proportion of HIV1and 2 co–infection. OBJECTIVE To study Prevalence of HIV1 , HIV2 and HIV1 and 2 co infection in patient coming to tertiary care hospital. Material and methods In our laboratory HIV testing is done according to NACO guidelines. If the Sample is non reactive for ELISA or rapid HIV test then sample is to be considered as free of HIV and sample is reactive for HIV then confirmation is done by 2 different kits with different antigen system and / or different principle of test. In our study we confirm the reactive samples for HIV infection by ELISA , TRIDOT PLUS and QUALPRO. We use QUALPRO and TRIDOT PLUS as differentiating test between HIV 1 and HIV 2 infection. RESULTS We have done serological test of 50728 samples received from July 2014 to June 2015. Out of these 1293 samples were positive for HIV. Amongst these 1284(2.53%) were HIV1 seropositive patient , 7 (0.014%) were HIV2 seropositive and 2(0.004%) were dually reactive to HIV1 and HIV2 . CONCLUSIONS HIV–1 is the major cause of AIDS . So early diagnosis and initiation of ART of HIV in affecting person is necessary for healthy life for many years and to delay the symptoms of AIDS . The line of treatment for HIV 1 and HIV 2 is different. So early diagnosis of HIV 1 , HIV 2 , HIV 1 and 2 co–infection is necessary to initiate treatment which is preventing drug resistance</p>

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Modi K.P, Kinariwala D.M, Vegad M.M, Agarwal N sero-prevalence of Hiv 1 , hiv 2 and its co – infection at tertiary care centre International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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