Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Sensory Neural Hearing Loss Following Snake Bite–A Case Report

V Jaya, S. S. Vignesh

Abstract :

People in rural India are a vulnerable group for snake bites. Only few case studies on heå loss following snake bite are reported in the literature. We are reporting the case of a 29 year old male, with heå loss following Krait snake bite in right glunttal region. He was diagnosed as snake bite with delayed presentation of symptoms at toxicology department. The audiological evaluation was carried out to identify degree, type of heå loss and site of lesion.Puretone audiometry showed bilateral moderate sensory neural heå loss. Thediagnosis was confirmed with Immitance,. Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions, Click evoked auditory ainstem response testing.   From these results, it is evident that the snake bite victim has cochlear heå loss. This could be due to the venom carried away from the wound by the lymphatics and then is circulated by the bloodstream throughout the body

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V Jaya, S.S. Vignesh /Sensory Neural Hearing Loss Following Snake Bite‾A Case Report /International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.3, Issue. 5, May 2014

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