Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Sensory Evaluation of Pasteurised Flavoured Milk Supplemented with Co–Encapsulation of Pre– And Probiotics During Refrigerated Storage

Vivek K. B, K. Kondal Reddy, Mallikarjuna Reddy P. V

Abstract :

The present study was done to evaluate effect of co-encapsulation of certain probiotics namely, Lactobacillus paraplantarum 321 and Bifidobacterium bifidum 235 with commercial prebiotic sugars (FOS) on sensory characteristics in flavoured milk samples at refrigerated condition for 8 days of storage. Co-encapsulation of probiotics @ 1×107cfu/g with 3% prebiotic sugars (FOS) was done by extrusion method using 2% sodium alginate. Five different flavoured milk treatments were prepared to study the sensory characteristics of flavoured milk samples by subjecting it to sensory evaluation using 9 point hedonic scale evaluated during eight days of refrigerated storage. The results indicated that supplementation of co-encapsulated L. paraplantarum 321 with prebiotic (FOS) sugar treatment flavoured milk samples improved flavour and mouth feel characteristics and received higher scores than other treatment groups during refrigerated storage

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Vivek K. B,K. Kondal Reddy,Mallikarjuna Reddy P. V Sensory Evaluation of Pasteurised Flavoured Milk Supplemented with Co-Encapsulation of Pre- And Probiotics During Refrigerated Storage International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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