Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Selfknowledge and education: A formative experience with preparatory students

Nivia Tomasa Lvarez Aguilar, Jaime Arturo Castillo Elizondo, Valeria Paola Gonz Lez Du Ez

Abstract :

 The educational practice suggests that in spite of the inclusion of self–knowledge contents in the curriculum, the difference between such questions as what am I and who am I is not fully understood. There is a clear distinction between one and the other approach, the first question is refers to consequences, the second just to the essential cause. Even more worrying is the fact that instructors underestimate its significance. This paper is aimed at evaluating the formative influence of selfknowledge in preparatory students. The study was conducted by means of a formative workshop including exploratory techniques such as surveying, completing phrases, and interviewing. The findings indicate that self–knowledge is a very demanded topic students are yet ignoring. Once they get acquainted with it, they start seeing the surrounding reality in a different way.

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Nivia Tomasa Álvarez Aguilar, Jaime Arturo Castillo Elizondo, Valeria Paola González Duéñez Selfknowledge and education: A formative experience with preparatory students International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7 | July 2016

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