Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Self–training Method using First strokes in Handwritten Character Recognition

Magesh Kasthuri, Dr. V. Shanthi

Abstract :

An Artificial Intelligence based Neural system is successfulwhen it is trained properly. The basis of training a neuralnetwork is to prepare the system to recognize variouscombinations of possibilities of characters. From a larger picturethis is the key requirement for training a neural network. Butthere are underlying principles in training a neural network.In other words, training is not a simple record and processtechnique but also a technique which decides the working logic of the processing algorithm.This paper discusses some of the key features of training aneural network along with some key training methodologies forHandwritten character recognition system

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Magesh Kasthuri, Dr.V.Shanthi Self-training Method using First strokes in Handwritten Character Recognition International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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