Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Self– Concept Among Hearing Impaired Children

K. Leelavathi, P. Neeraja

Abstract :

Self-concept is the internal compass which directs a person’s physical and metaphysical outlook, beliefs and attitudes and human relationship. Self-concept forms an essential determinant in the holistic development of a child’s personality in general and for the differently abled children it is very much essential to cope up with the disability and improve standard of living. Research on self-concept of physically challenged children has centered mainly on comparative studies between people with or without impairment, and they showed mixed results. The present study is an attempt to study the self concept of children with physical challenge. The samples were 32 children (18 boys and 18 girls) who were attending to S.V.Deaf School, tirupati. Tennessee Self-Concept Scale revised by Vasundara Devi (1985) was used to assess the self concept of children with physically challenged. The scale has 8 domains viz., Physical self, Family-self, Social-self, Personal-self, Identity, Behaviour and self-satisfaction, Moral-self and Ethical-self. The reliability and validity of the scale given by Vasundara Devi (1985) were satisfactory. The results showed that none of the Visually challenged children had high self-concept and nearly two thirds of boys (56 per cent) and 50 per cent of girls showed low self- concept. A need was felt to develop self concept among children with physical challenges.

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K. Leelavathi, P. Neeraja Self- Concept Among Hearing Impaired Children International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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