Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Self medication pattern and practices among software professionals in the urban population of chennai.

Dr. S. A. Sridevi, Dr. T. Janagan, Dr. M. Ganesh, Mrs. K. Ramya

Abstract :

 AIM:The practice of self medication is growing fast in urban area. This study was undertaken to evaluate self medication practices among software professionals working in urban chennai. 200 IT professionals were randomly recruited for the study. METHOD: The study was a questionnaire based study. The participants were asked to fill it. The results were analysed statistically. Result: 96.5 % (195)were the total respondents of the sample size 200. Male respondents were 111 when compared to female 82. Most common drugs were analgesics(71.5%), antacids(62%) and antipyretics(58.5%). The factors causing self medication were mostly shortage of time(n=166), colleague’s advice(n=152), urgency of illness(n=127) and trivial illness(n=117). Conclusion: There is a need for an awareness campaign to let know people about precautions against the self medications for an ideal treatment strategy

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Dr.S.A.Sridevi, Dr. T.Janagan, Dr. M. Ganesh, Mrs. K. Ramya Self Medication Pattern and Practices Among Software Professionals in the Urban Population of Chennai. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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