Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Self Esteem: a Study Among the Bodo Students of Pondicherry University

P. Ashok Alexander

Abstract :

Self–esteem is the weighing scale of a person’s attitude. The level of self–esteem felt higher or lower is from one’s past and current life situations and how the person handles the situation. It even makes impact in the future of an individual. The current study on the self–esteem among the Bodo students of Pondicherry University gives a clear view on the level of self–esteem of the students. The study has ought forward the overall self–esteem level of Pondicherry University Bodo students and their positive and negative attitudes on their self. The study tried to provide some necessary suggestions to improve the self–esteem level of the students. Census method was used to collect data from 51 post graduate Bodo students of Pondicherry University. Descriptive research design was adopted in the study. Rosenberg self–esteem scale was used in the study to scientifically calculate the self–esteem level of Bodo students of Pondicherry University

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P. Ashok Alexander Self Esteem: a Study Among the Bodo Students of Pondicherry University International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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