Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Self Concept of Head and Neck Cancer Patients–A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies

Shalini G. Nayak, Dr. Mamatha Shivananda Pai, Dr. Linu Sara George

Abstract :

Background: Changes in facial disfigurement and basic functional capabilities are very common among head and neck cancer (HNC) patients which have enormous affect on self concept of the patient. Method: A systematic search of the qualitative study literature was done in November to December 2014, using the key words and MeSH words conducted in three online data bases such as PubMed, Ovid Medline and CINAHL. Total of 239 studies identified. After screening for relevancy, abstract and quality, total of three articles were identified for the review. Results: Two main themes were identified from the three qualitative studies. All three studies showed perceived or transformed changes in self esteem and changes in self image or ruptured self image. Conclusion: There is an evidence to suggest that the head and neck cancer have greater impact on physical appearance and basic functional capabilities.

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Shalini G. Nayak,Dr. Mamatha Shivananda Pai, Dr. Linu Sara George Self Concept of Head and Neck Cancer Patients-A Systematic Review of Qualitative Studies International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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