Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Security Enhancement of AODV Routing Protocol in MANET– A Survey

Ummu Habeeba K. , Shiju Kumar P. S.

Abstract :

 MANET is a highly challenged network area due to its special characteristics such as decentralization, dynamic topology and neighbor based routing. ?e primary challenges faced by MANET are routing and secure transmission of data over the network. In high mobility and heavy traffic communication AODV (Adhoc On demand Distance Vector) can run well, which is a well–known reactive routing protocol. In this paper a survey on different enhancements in the field of security used by AODV routing protocol in MANET are presented.

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Ummu Habeeba K., Shiju Kumar P.S. Security Enhancement of AODV Routing Protocol in MANET- A Survey International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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