Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Security Analysis and Provide Trust Extended Authentication Using Group Signature

Ms. Reshna Wilson, Mr. Biju Balakrishnan

Abstract :

Security and protection of private user information are a  prerequisite for the  deployment of the mobile  network technologies.Nevertheless,    the    establishment    of    secure communication architecture within mobile ad hoc networks addresses  special  challenges,  due  to  the  characteristic  and specific cities of such environment (high dynamic and mobility of nodes, high rate of topology changes, high variability in nodes density and neighbourhood, oad– cast/geocast communication nature). . A number of secure authentication schemes based on asymmetric cryptography have been proposed to prevent such attacks. In this paper, we address some interesting issues arising in such MANETs by designing an anonymous routing framework (ALERT) extended to key server management and group signature algorithm. It uses nodes’ current locations to construct a secure MANET map. Based on the current map, each node can decide which other relay nodes it wants to communicate with. ALERT takes advantage of some advanced cryptographic primitives to achieve node authentication, data integrity, anonymity and untraceability (tracking–resistance). It also offers resistance to certain insider attacks

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Ms. Reshna Wilson, Mr. Biju Balakrishnan Security Analysis and Provide Trust Extended Authentication Using Group Signature International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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