Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Second Language Acquisition through Communicative Language Teaching

Mrs. K. Padmavathi, Dr. B. R. Veeramani

Abstract :

This paper deals with the role of CLT in the acquisition of second language. The traditional methods of teaching English are becoming out dated as the learners are no more interested in mastering the language. Instead, they want to learn to use English for communication. For this, sub conscious language acquisition will help more than conscious language learning. Language acquisition is very similar to the process of children acquiring their mother tongue or the first language. The principles of CLT make the second language learning easy and interesting.

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Mrs.K.Padmavathi, Dr.B.R.Veeramani Second Language Acquisition Through Communicative Language Teaching International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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