Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Seasonal Variation of Childhood Poisoning

Dr Tabassum Khatoon, Dr Anoop Kumar Verma, Dr. Alok Kumar

Abstract :

BACKGROUND - Acute poisoning is a common paediatric emergency & is one of the important causes of morbidity and mortality in children especially in developing countries. AIMS- The cases were studied to see the seasonal variations and other epidemiological and clinical parameters in poisoning cases. MATERIAL AND METHODS- A retrospective study was carried out in the paediatric ward of C.S.M.M.U Lucknow. Patient with history of ingestion of poison, intoxication or envenomation from August 2010 to July 2011were enrolled. The cases were studied to see the seasonal variations and other epidemiological and clinical parameters .Total of hundred patients enrolled in the study were divided in four groups. Prevalence and type of poisoning was observed in winter, spring, summer and rainy seasons respectively. RESULTS- A total of 100 cases of childhood acute poisoning were admitted during the study period. The most vulnerable age group was 1-3 years (39%). Males out-numbered Females (M-70%, F-30%). Kerosene poisoning was the commonest (27%). Poisoning cases were more common during summer season. Overall mortality was 4%. CONCLUSION- Poisoning was common during the summer season and kerosene was found to be most common ingredient. It was possibly due to easy availability of kerosene and during the summer months thirsty children took this substance which was sometimes kept in the discarded container of soft drinks and mineral water bottles etc. People should be warned not to keep these toxic ingredients in such containers and within reach of the children.

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Dr Tabassum Khatoon, Dr Anoop Kumar Verma, Dr. Alok Kumar Seasonal Variation of Childhood Poisoning International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014

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