Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Screening, Characterization and Optimization of Cellulase Producing Bacteria Isolated from Paper Sludge

Dr. M. Pandimadevi, Faridha Begum . I

Abstract :

Production of microbial enzymes at the commercial level is most actively grown area of research now a day. Screening of potential strains from new sources and there by optimizing production conditions for industrial use. Cellulase is one of the several commercial enzymes which have been used in various industries like paper and pulp, textile, bio–fuel production, detergents, feed and food industry and ewing etc. Recently application of cellulase in biofuel production and de–inking of paper has further driven the attention of research towards cellulase. Hence research is required to screen different diverse habitats for potential cellulase producing microorganism to lower down the cost of production. This research is focused on the isolation and characterization of cellulase producing bacteria from paper mill waste as a new source of possible substrate for cellulase production and further optimizing the different production parameter to improve the cellulase production. Paper sludge is chosen as a source because it is a waste and its disposal is a cause of environmental concern. This work also involves characterization of isolated enzyme from bacteria present in the paper sludge by checking its stability at varying pH and temperatures. The characterization of enzyme is required to develop efficient application of enzyme in the textile industry.

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Dr. M. Pandimadevi, Faridha Begum .I Screening, Characterization and Optimization of Cellulase Producing Bacteria Isolated from Paper Sludge International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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