Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Scope of NGOS in Rural Technologies for Sustainable Rural Development

P. Manikanta, O. Sudhakar Reddy

Abstract :

The establishment of NGO is a reflection of service values of human beings. In eliminating the various serious problems in society, apart from the Government, the role of NGOs are immeasurable. Non–Governmental Organizations (NGOs) playing an enormous role in rural development in India. NGOs are initiating various rural development activities in collaboration with government organizations, institutions, international funding organizations. Since few decades development in science and technology has shown its significance in urbanization, industrialization and in many other areas. But these technology interventions not up to the mark in agriculture sector as well as in rural development. Due to the increased industrialization and various problems in agriculture sector, many rural poor migrating to urban for their livelihood opportunities. Many Government institutions established cost effective rural technology centers along with training institutions to train the rural unemployed on various technologies. They are also providing financial support to the trained people through PMEGP, SGSY and other schemes to establish self–employment activities in their localities which control the migration and supports Sustainable Rural Development.

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P. MANIKANTA, O. SUDHAKAR REDDY / Scope of NGOS in Rural Technologies for Sustainable Rural Development / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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