Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Scope of Collaborative Learning as a Device to Manage Multiculturalism of Class Room Students

Rajalakshmi. S

Abstract :

The multicultural education should be based on the notion of “sameness”. Multicultural attitude create an inclusive environment to empower and encourage all students to develop socio-cultural awareness of diverse cultural background and lifestyle. The present social condition of Kerala shows the need of multicultural awareness. The short immigration of people from northern region to Kerala creates a multicultural society and thereby a multicultural classroom. Globalization resulted the multicultural education in a global environment. The concept provides children a reorganization of difference as well as similarities among all people. Multiculturalism refers to the shå of many cultures. In a globalizing world diversity is visible in all fields including education. Educators should provide more attention to improve a unity among students. Multiculturalism makes clear that each culture have many elements that deserve respect and appeciation.Future citizens need multicultural education for an active participatory citizenship.

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Rajalakshmi.s Scope of Collaborative Learning as a Device to Manage Multiculturalism of Class Room Students International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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