Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Scientific performances to improve science skills in students

Gustavo H. Marin, Daniela Sbatella, Maria Isabel Ponzinnibbio, Guillermo Garaventa, Pablo Ixtaina

Abstract :

 Science could be a difficult subject to learn by students. In order to motivate teenagers in science, we launch this study. Methods: Volunteers researchers belonging from Scientific Research Commission (CIC) staff were included in this project. Socially vulnerable schools were invited to register their scholars in the program (6–12yrs). Students were invited to attend to theatre plays where head researchers became actors and actresses. ?e plays were based in 3 mayor topics of science (either math, physic, biology or chemistry topics). Each performance was interactive with the presence of students from the audience. Results: 3600 underserved students were included in the program. After the play 97.4% considered the experience as highly positive; 80.3% still remember the contents of the play after 3 months; 77.6% showed an increased interest towards science–related subjects at school according to their science teachers. 96.1% of researchers considered that the activity ought them closer to the community. Conclusions: teaching science in non–traditional way (through theatrical performances) achieved a greater interest among students from elementary school. When science‘s topics are teach to children in non–conventional ways; students are able to increased their attention, improving the willingness to learn, and increasing their interest in science‘s topics

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Gustavo H. Marin, Daniela Sbatella, Maria Isabel Ponzinnibbio, Guillermo Garaventa, Pablo Ixtaina, Scientific performances to improve science skills in students, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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