Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016

Scientific Cultivation and Quality Control System for Futuristic Super Food – SPIRULINA

Manish Karandikar, Neha Kawadkar, Shruti Wandre

Abstract :

 In today’s hectic lifestyle, it has become extremely important to keep our self energetic throughout extended working hours of each day. The urban lifestyle forces us to consume the packed / processed food which is insufficient to supply necessary nutrition for the body. Hence health supplements are becoming integral part of our daily food consumption. This is the urban dimension of super food requirement. There is another side to it, the rural dimension, which is more serious. The socio cultural divide is making rural person poorer. Hence purchasing quality food is becoming distant dream for him. In such case super food can be the best solution to satisfy the need of rural sector or even to eradicate malnutrition from the surface of earth. The other dimension of food requirement is from viewpoint of future technology – space science, space colonies etc. and the last dimension to nutritious food is fighting diseases like cancer to obesity. Well, it is amazing that for all such problems there is one possible solution – SPIRULINA. When we say that spirulina can be the super food for tomorrow, it needs very scientific method of cultivating it. The report, prepared by the United Nations, the World Bank and the World Resources Institute, shows that humans have become a major force of nature, largely because of the success of science–based technologies in extracting the earth‘s resources without proper concern for the environmental consequences. Science, though, has a crucial role to play in helping us avoid the impending catastrophe that is partly of its own making. Perhaps nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the need for science in developing sustainable agricultural / ecological systems. There is also the need of maintaining the quality standards for all type of food. This paper provides an overview of the system being developed by researchers of Jigyasa Research and Development Society, which is very much necessary to produce the super food – SPIRULINA – in scientifically controlled conditions.

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Manish Karandikar, Neha Kawadkar, Shruti Wandre Scientific Cultivation and Quality Control System for Futuristic Super Food - SPIRULINA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 1 January 2016

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