Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Scientific Behaviourism of Watson and Hull : A Philosophical Perspective

Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma

Abstract :

The paper seeks to ing out basic assumptions and conceptual doctriens that form the back drop of empirical researches of behaviourists. Classical behaviourism calls for ignoring the issues of consciousness. J.B. Watson holds that a child at birth reacts in certain ways to certain changes in the environment as human body has a particular chemical composition. He seeks to explain the entire behaviour of a person thorugh the principle of classical conditioning. Developing the behaviourist theory further, Clark Hull tried to establish the laws of human behaviour in testable mathemetical equations.

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Dr. Jatinder Kumar Sharma Scientific Behaviourism of Watson and Hull : A Philosophical Perspective International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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