Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Salivary glucose – A non–invasive biochemical protocol using colorimeter.

Dr. S. Prasanna, Dr. A. Ramesh Kumar, Dr. S. Dinesh

Abstract :

Diabetes, the most prevailing non–communicable disease worldwide affecting mostly the developing nations. Blood is used for glucose estimation being an invasive and painful method, demanding for an alternative technique to be used. Aim &Methods: Estimation of fasting and post prandial salivary glucose levels in 180 subjects who divided into healthy subjects and diabetic subjects as controlled and uncontrolled diabetics.  Results: Positive correlation of fasting salivary glucose in all groups – I,II & III. There was a positive correlation in post prandial serum glucose between group II,  III but no significant in case of post prandial salivary glucose.: Positive correlation present in fasting salivary glucose in group I,II and III but post prandial serum glucose correlated between group II and III but post prandial salivary glucose did not correlate well. Conclusion Inspite of limitations, saliva serves as a good alternate medium in biochemical analysis of glucose instead of serum.

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Dr.S.Prasanna, Dr.A.Ramesh Kumar, Dr.S.Dinesh, Salivary glucose – A non–invasive biochemical protocol using colorimeter., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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