Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016

Saint John Chrysostom, on True Friendship between People

Liviu Petcu

Abstract :

 One of the main aspects of St. John Chrysostom’s humanism as made known in his works is friendship and love of one’s neighbour. Only on rare occasions do we encounter in literature such anengaging discourse on these matters. Some few of the Fathers of the Church and other religious authors address so appealingly love and friendship as St. John does in all his works and in all the circumstances of his life. I underline the fact that, from St. John Chrysostom’s perspective, friendship, in order for it to be strong and lasting, should have Christ as its basis, reason and model, our Saviour Who laid down His life for His friends (Jn. 15:13).

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Liviu Petcu Saint John Chrysostom, on True Friendship between People International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 |September 2016

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