Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dinesh B Dave, Samir D Dave

Abstract :

 Plant species have an important role in Earth environmental condition . It shows adaptation as per surrounding environment. Vegetation types and Forest types classified according to its adaptations. The present study give information about Semi–arid region vegetation and some adaptation mostly found in Xerophytes or Deciduous type forest area which have modification of some appendages like Thorn. Spine, Prickle etc in different part of plant species. These are all for protection from animal and also decrease the rate of Transpiration. the study show different kind of plant species having thorn types and its modification on different parts. Sabarmati ravine vegetation having 63 Genera and 83 species of 38 Angiosperm plant families.

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DINESH B DAVE, SAMIR D DAVE Thorny Appandages and its Modification in Some Plant Species of Sabarmati Ravine Vegetation, Gujarat.india International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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