Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012

Rural Environmental Scenario: A Need For Sustainable Development

Dr. P. Subramanyachary

Abstract :

This paper highlights the protection of environment in the rural areas and suggests measures to improve the position of natural resources. The most dangerous common problem to the world countries is degradation of environmental resources at present. In the name of economic development, human beings are exploiting natural resources without considering ecological balance and neglecting future generation’s needs. The degradation of environment shows adverse effect on human beings, live stock, bio–diversity etc. As climate changes the availability of natural resource becomes very difficult in rural areas. This leads to migration of people to the urban areas for employment. After recognizing the danger of environment pollution the world countries are giving priority to protect environment. India is also implementing different programmes for the development of rural areas, but there is less importance for protection of environment in the programmes. So priority should be given for the protection of environment and policies and programes should be made by keeing the people’s participation and services of NGO’s and other like minded organizations. Then there is possibility for the sustainable rural development

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Dr. P. Subramanyachary Rural Environmental Scenario: A Need For Sustainable Development International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012

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