Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Rural Entrepreneurship Development and Women in Jammu and Kashmir

Dr. Kavita Suri

Abstract :

The economy of border state of Jammu & Kashmir has suffered from disturbed conditions prevailing in the State since past 24 years. Both the Centre and state governments are trying to put the economy back on the rails by enabling the average person to get employment opportunities. In a state ridden with violence and having a population of 5, 00,000 unemployed youth, the challenges before J&K state are immense. In this scenario, the thrust is on employment generation for youth-both boys and girls in the state. Women entrepreneurship, particularly rural women entrepreneurship is one of the prime areas of concern for the government. Rural women of Jammu and Kashmir, who could not do much in all these years due to violence and conflict, are being encouraged to start entrepreneurial activities. The present paper focuses on the entrepreneurship development programmes in J& K and the role of women in Jammu and Kashmir in entrepreneurship development programmes. The papers seek to study the rural entrepreneurship development programmes initiated by J&K government and its various agencies for the women, identify the problems faced by rural women entrepreneurs in J&K and suggest strategies for better rural women entrepreneurship development.

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Dr. Kavita Suri Rural Entrepreneurship Development and Women in Jammu and Kashmir International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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