Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Dr . C. Gangaiah

Abstract :

 In rural areas, the activities under agriculture, rural industries, service sector play a vital role for rapid rural development. The application of new and innovations modern technology and transparent marketing techniques also enhances the rural development. Rural participation, rural awareness, rural urge to grow and prosper and to have sustainable development, education and skills are the needy of the hour. To have better rural development, it requires basic education and skills, improving the quality of education, skills for employment, enterprise training, higher education skills, advanced agronomic techniques, agricultural professionals and researchers, establishment and running of educational institutions, upgrading curricula, transforming teaching practices and increasing the number of graduates at all post–secondary levels, training of women volunteers centers, Regional Resource centers, increasing investment in rural projects etc. Professional managers and trained personnel are also essential for rapid rural development.

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Dr .C. GANGAIAH RURAL DEVELOPMENT NEEDS EDUCATION AND SKILLS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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