Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015

Rotation effects of unstable flow in porous structures

A. M. Avdeenko, Y. A. Krupin

Abstract :

We consider the process of deformation and buckling of flow during compression of the porous structure on the basis of aluminum with a high concentration of pores. Analyzed rotary modes plastic flow and their relationship with the beginning of the fracture process. Allocated for this reference points – the joints and then determined their trajectory in the process of loading . Was established the important role of nonuniform rotation associated with strong heterogeneity of the porous structure. Nonuniform rotation in the vicinity of large central pores leads to a collapse of the two neighboring pores and subsequent destruction.

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Rotation effects of unstable flow Rotation Effects of Unstable Flow in Porous Structures International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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