Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


Jhumur Banerjee

Abstract :

 To make the best use of the learning situations, it is essential that the teacher is provided with effective learning materials in addition to the textbooks. Emphasis should be led on hands–on minds–on learning approaches rather than on rote memory based learning. Hence the urge to fulfill the void is generated, with a challenge to maintain a low cost level through the present study– Role play. The topic, Nervous system was explained to the students of class 10. They were asked to personify the various components of Nervous System. Before and after the play, a set of questions were given to the students in order to analyse the impact of the Role play technique adopted and the results were graded as A, B, C and D, depending on the marks obtained. It was found that there has been significant increase in understanding after the role play activity

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JHUMUR BANERJEE ROLE PLAY: AN INNOVATIVE METHOD OF LOW COST TEACHING LEARNING International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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