Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Role of Ultrasound guided Fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of Thoracic lesions

Dr. M. Vasundhara, Dr. G. Parvathi, Dr. P. Nalinikumari, Dr. I. Vijaya Bharathi, Dr. A. Venkatalakshmi

Abstract :

 Background: FNAC has become a major diagnostic modality in diagnosing thoracic lesions that cannot be readily biopsied. It has a great role in diagnosing lesions which are not accessible for biopsy. Ultrasound (us) guidance  improves the efficiency of diagnosing deep seated lesions on FNAC. Objectives: To evaluate the role of FNAC in thoracic lesions To provide a rapid diagnosis To correlate with histopathology To compare with other studies. Subjects and methodology: Study included patients of all age groups who presented with various chest related symptoms and who were having mass lesions on x–ray chest. A total number of 75 cases were subjected to FNAC. Age of the patients ranged from 3–70yrs. Biopsy was done  in cases where the FNAC failed to give a conclusive report and also in cases where there was a controversy. Results: Total of 75 cases was studied of which 68 were from lung lesions and 7 were from mediastinal lesions. Squamous cell carcinoma was  the commonest malignancy in lung lesions. Most of the malignancies occurred in the 40–60yrs age group. All the three lymphomas were  diagnosed in children of less than 10yrs.12 cases which were thought as tumors on x–ray were turned out to be inflammatory lesions. There  was a good correlation between the reports of FNAC and biopsy. Conclusion: US guided FNAC was found to be very effective in evaluating thoracic lesions. It was useful in establishing diagnosis in inoperable  cases. Histopathological correlation was seen in 90% of cases and was comparable with other studies.

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Dr.M.Vasundhara, Dr.G.Parvathi, Dr. P.Nalinikumari, Dr.I.Vijaya Bharathi, Dr.A.Venkatalakshmi Role of Ultrasound guided Fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of Thoracic lesions International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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